Buh-bye, shitstains.
Today is election day in Ontario, the most populated province in Canada, mainly because of the Liberal shithole city of Toronto. 4 main parties in Canada (although I did see a STOP CLIMATE CHANGE party on the ballot today. Lulz. Cons,, Libs, the New Democratic Party (basically left of Libs, kind of like the farm team) and the Green party.
The last 10 years has been under Liberal rule, and the province has gone right in the shitter. Gas almost $6/gallon, retards went mega on solar and wind and we now have the largest Hydro rates in North America, CEO of Hydro makes over $6M/annually (next closest CEO makes $800k). Oh, and we have to PAY NY Sate to take away our excess hydro that we have plenty of during non-peak hours but it cannot even remotely meet demand during peak hours.
Our Lesbian Premiere has taxed the shit out of us, created a gazillion special interest programs and has licked union clit since she started.
She is so hated now, that she actually conceded the election a few days ago (there is a post on LL about it). How pathetic is that! The Liberals are in such bad shape that they may not gain enough seats to have an official party status! LMFO! Fucking retards.
Numbers are coming in, and out of 116 available seats the Cons are currently at 73 seats! Fuck the left and their failed policies,
Conservative leader is Doug Ford, brother of the infamous (in the media) Rob Ford, departed mayor of Toronto. Conservatives are considered blue in Canada, so the fucking retards in the U.S. claiming a BLUE WAVE must have been talking about Canada, because it looks like a Red Tsunami coming in the mid-terms. MAGA. MCGA!