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Antifascist Attack Fascist Golden Dawn Heaquarters [Heraklion, Greece]

ANNOUNCEMENT REGARDING THE DESTRUCTION OF THE GOLDEN DAWN OFFICES Fascism is by default an enemy of freedom and life. It is the dominance of the strongest, the denial of diversity, the hate towards any differentiations, the worship of death. Since its existence, fascism has been solid ground for capitalism to fall back on in times when the exploited become aware of their position and decide to confront history and struggle for social liberation. It is the state's helping hand against society, artificially dividing the oppressed depending on their race, gender, and sexual orientation and attacking the people of the struggle. Albeit not being the only form of fascism in our lives, Golden Dawn is one of its main and most threatening expressions. However, in Crete, despite all its efforts, has failed to find its roots and establish itself. The last remaining Golden Dawn offices are located in New Alikarnassos1, where they have been struggling to remain open. Unfortunately for them, during the Macedonian debate, one of their greatest chances to become relevant again and compete for public space, they had to face the powerful antifascist movement which stood up to the occasion through a series of militant actions. In this context, the arrival of P.M. Lagos2 is anything but coincidental. He is but the arch-mobster, the orchestrator of the party's paramilitary wing, the one who commanded the murder of Pavlos Fyssas3, the one who defended the bosses' interests by trying to turn Perama's dockworkers against their own class. He intended to give a talk titled "Red terrorism cannot keep nationalists down", affectively back-patting the local fascists in a desperate attempt to increase morale. We deemed it necessary to respond to the call. However, for us, it was a few hours before the scheduled talk when we visited the party's offices. On Wednesday 28/2, 60 antifascists surprisingly attacked the Golden Dawn offices in the neighborhood of New Alikarnassos, effectively leveling them. We came in through the balcony, broke in through the windows, damaged every room, destroyed the plumbing and electrical utilities, wrote slogans and sprayed paint on the walls. We left in unison, with a strong defensive stance. We were not the least bit surprised by the wide acceptance of our presence by the community of Alikarnassos. We know it well enough, being a part of it, that the Golden Dawn presence is shameful for a community with a refugee past, a cancer in its insides. As for us, our stance against fascism is and will be non-negotiable. We are deeply convinced that the struggle for life and freedom, the struggle for a society of equality, solidarity and justice demands the towards its total annihilation, the that will send it to the dark pages of history. We hope that in these last few days, it has become ever clearer to the fascists that Heraklion was and will continue to be an Anti-Fascist city. A city were it is dangerous to be a fascist. UNITY - ORGANIZATION - STRUGGLE FOR THE DEFEAT OF FASCISM AND THE SYSTEM THAT BREEDS IT DEATH TO FASCISM - YES TO LIFE We send our strength and our solidarity to the comrades that were recently attacked by fascists at Free Social Space "Favela" in Pireaus and Squat "Panaitolou 21" in Koukaki. -Antifascists of Heraklion P.S. In these times, our thoughts can only be with our comrade Ntinos Giatzoglou, who is on hunger and thirst strike demanding its transfer to Koridallos prison. We send his way our unconditional solidarity and we warn that the deterioration of his health will bring with it proportional consequences. 1: New Alikarnassos is a suburb - working class neighbourhood in the region of Heraklion. It was built by refugees who fled the original town of Bodrum in Turkey during the Greco-Turkish War of 1919-1922 2: Giannis Lagos is a parliament member with the fascist party of Golden Dawn, notorious for his involvement in the Greek mafia, the paramilitary squads of Golden Dawn and murders. 3: Antifascist rapper from Greece, stabbed to death by Golden Dawn on 18/9/2013. His death sparked a fierce series of militant antifascist demonstrations and clashes with the police and fascists across Greece.

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