Uganda allows refugees to move in and out of settlements, provides land, and allows them to work. It's an approach which makes Uganda one of the most innovative countries for refugee crisis management.
Nyumanzi vocational training centre
Schools play a key role in making refugees more self-reliant. The centre is run by the Norwegian Refugee Council, and financed by the European Union. Some 200 refugees are at the centre working hard for a fresh start.
Bakery course instructor Jackson Aliga told Euronews why his course is one of the most popular ones on offer.
"The bakery training takes six months, every week we have five days training. The first group, which consisted of 31 people, I would say 50 percent have already found jobs and others are in the process."
Bakery trainee Yarkon brought her four children, and four of her relatives' children, from South Sudan to Uganda. A situation that is not uncommon. She aims to open a business to provide for her family.
The courses were offered after research was carried out, aimed at understanding the needs of both refugees' and their host community. They are in big demand, as the course area manager Hosana Adisu told Euronews.
"We are working on how refugees can link up with the markets in the surroundings. We have established relations between the graduates and the existing financial institutions in this area. It can be micro finance institutions, savings and credits, and the banks."
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