Early Monday 11/12/2018, morning, three unknown robbed Bucherer's jewelery business in St.Gallen (Switzerland) The perpetrators looted jewelry worth hundreds of thousands of francs. Three unknown vacated the Bucherer branch in St.Gallen's Multergasse at around 3:45AM "The perpetrators drove a car backwards in the main entrance of the business and thus got into the sales room," says Daniel Hug, spokesman for the cantonal police St.Gallen. There, the perpetrators damaged showcases and shop windows and stole watches and jewelery worth hundreds of thousands of francs.
Around the business are bollards to prevent such break-ins. The perpetrators used a gap diagonally in front of the main entrance and were able to hit the entrance area like this.
The defective car, the perpetrators have left. <> says Hug. The three unknowns escaped with another car. According to the police, the escape vehicle is likely to be a dark Audi. The perpetrators are on the run. "The police were notified by the alarm system and by local residents and were quickly on site," says Hug. The perpetrators were on the arrival of the police but already gone.