On todays date 5th. of June 1967 Israel started 6 day war against it's neighboring Arab countries with the intention of stealing as much land as they could grab in that short period of -planned Aggression.
Israel was not threatened by Egypt or any other country prior to 6 day war, in fact Israel and it's existence was never endangered in any of it's wars and it was always in a role of Aggressor. All of the surrounding the wars and history of Israel was imposed on almost whole world by the Zionists and mainstream media. This lie is so big and so very well incorporated in our societies, schools and history books that it is so hard to challenge it and debunk it in short period of time. Fortunately, thanks to the new wave of Israeli and Jewish historians, intellectuals and activists like prof. Ilan Pappe, Norman Finkelstein, Noam Chomsky, Shlomo Sand, Gideon Levy, Miko Peled, Avi Shlaim, Teddy Katz and many others who have had an exclusive access (being prominent Israelis and Jews) to the archives of Israel and it's history, this huge lie is slowly coming to an end. It will take time, since these "New Historians", some of them are being expelled and/or striped of their citizenship they are labeled as traitors of Israel and Zionism, they are constantly silenced and ignored by the Zionist controlled MSM or main stream academic circles. But the facts are presented, documents declassified, the truth is said, it is there, it is recognized as a truth based on facts, it is supported by many prominent historians and intellectuals around the world and it is rapidly expanding.
: TheRealNews