In this audio i describe what i consider are what could be classed as 'types' of targeted reality the true target is what I would class as a 'primary targeted individual' (I dont particularly like the term 'targeted individual' but its the only way to describe it as that is what the phenomenon is being called and known as.
So here are the 'types' of target' the last two arent actually targets but i use the description in order to explain...
PRIMARY TARGET - The main target, attacked using poisons, drugs, surveillance including internationally, destruction of health for slow kill, financially attacked, under a slander campaign, house entries, biological chemical and technological attacks, disruption of friendships, relationships, attempts to islotate the target and make the public believe the person is deluded etc, a primary targets family and partner tend to be monitored, manipulated under surveillance etc
SECONDARY TARGET - The partner or family of a primary target who cannot be 'turned' against the target using usual means, the secondary target is put under surveillance to ascertain psychological profile, like and dislikes and then manipulated, some secondary targets are drugged, hospitalised or murdered as a way to affect the primary target. Secondary targets are targeted by sending fake friends into their life and attempts are made to put them in a fake relationship due to having information on the targets likes and dislikes, most secondary targets(family and partner) assume the primary target is 'mentally unwell'
EXPERIMENTAL TARGETS - It is hard to say if this type of target exists but if so they are people who are only complaining of technological effects example v2k, thought manipulation without any of the social aspects
FAKE TARGETED INDIVIDUALS - People who purposely exist to discredit genuine targets with impossible stories intended to leave the impression that targets are deluded, form fake friendships with genuine targets to infiltrate their life for various sinister reasons, disrupt attempts for genuine targets to gather as a group
MENTALLY ILL 'TARGETS' - These are people who genuinely believe they are targeted but are actual imagining it due to a genuine mental illness