Jubilant Erdogan supporters took to the streets of Istanbul waving flags of victory. But among those who had voted "no" there was frustration and the accusations began to fly over alleged vote rigging. For one government critic it was all "propaganda":"The government worked hard for this for three months.
But if you look at their faces, (on his computer screen) you can see that they have lost already. The Anadolu News Agency counted 99 % of the votes in two hours but the last 0.1 percent took four hours. How is this even possible?"
But among the "Yes" camp there was a mood of optimism and confidence in the prospect of a new constitution."Good things will happen. Recep Tayyip Erdogan, our president is not a bad person. Some people don't have to like him, but he has done many good things. He has future goals and after Atat"urk there is no better leader than Erdogan. God protect him."
Euronews reporter Senada Sokollu described the city of Istanbul as being in a state of confusion:
"The Turkish government has declared the "yes" vote on the Turkish referendum while the main opposition party, the CHP is accusing the government of manipulation".